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Craven Virtual Academy FAQs

The Frequently Asked Questions will be updated continually as new questions are submitted that will be beneficial for parents, students, and staff.

Can I enroll my child in CVA?

Our application window expired March 30, 2023.  However, you may apply to our wait list using this link.

What is Craven Virtual Academy?

 Craven Virtual Academy is the 100% virtual option for Craven County Schools families.  We work with students in grades 3-12. Teachers use Zoom to deliver instruction to their students daily in elementary and middle school.  High school students Zoom with their teachers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  On both Tuesday and Thursday, asynchronous work is assigned and teachers are available to assist students.

Is online learning for me?

The flexibility of online learning adds a unique level of responsibility. A successful virtual student is organized, able to self-pace, has good attendance and participation, able to independently navigate the online platform and resources, and able to manage his/her time. Application criteria includes information from the 2021-22 school year: grades in core classes (English, math, science, social studies), attendance, participation/engagement, discipline record, and teacher recommendation.

If I am a current Craven County Schools' teacher and would like to be considered for a teaching position in the CVA program, how do I apply?

Current Craven County Schools teachers should complete the CCS Transfer Form to express interest.

How do students apply?

Use this link to apply. 

What do I need to be successful at Craven Virtual Academy?

When you take an online course, you need to prepare yourself as you would for any course in a classroom setting. Key differences are that your teacher is online and not face-to-face, and your lessons are on a computer. In an online course, time management is critical to success. Your teacher will provide opportunities throughout the semester to meet together online through online office hours.

Is there a virtual learning option for students in grades K-2?

There is not a virtual learning option for students in grades K-2 for the 2022-23 school year.  Upon obtaining feedback from the 2020-21 K-2 virtual teachers about the developmental and academic appropriateness of virtual learning for this age group, it was decided that in-person instruction is the most effective learning environment for the skills they need to be taught. 

Will AVID be offered in Craven Virtual Academy?

No. AVID is a specialized program offered at designated schools.  If students want to be in the AVID program, they will need to maintain their in-person enrollment at their school.  Craven Virtual Academy is a specialized program itself and will not offer AVID within it.    

What are some of the elective courses being offered through Craven Virtual Academy?

CVA has a Health/PE instructor who works with students in 3-12th grade.  We also offer Anatomy and Physiology, Mythology and Folklore as well as Psychology.  For all other electives, students will receive instruction from North Carolina Virtual Public Schools (NCVPS).  These courses are 100% online and completed independently.  While NCVPS teachers are available to assist students when needed, they do not teach online through Zoom or another virtual meeting.  The course catalog for NCVPS can be found here.  Students will work with our counselor as they decide on electives to fulfill their graduation requirements.   

Middle School

  • Keyboarding and Basic Word Processing
  • Introduction to Office Productivity
  • Exploring Personal Character and Careers

If you have a question that is not addressed in the provided information, please use the Let's Talk app or email Mrs. Warren.

Micki Warren